MS Graduation Checklist
Important: All UCLA deadlines are at 5:00PM Pacific Time (PT) on business days unless otherwise indicated. Please plan accordingly.
All students must enroll in a minimum of 12 credts each term (F, W, Sp) to maintain full-time graduate status (no part-time students). Failure to do so may result in student having to reapply for admission.
- The deadline for being on Filing Fee for Fall, Winter, or Spring term is Tuesday of Week 1 of the quarter during Filing Fee Usage
- A student must submit a completed application with all necessary approvals by 5:00 pm Pacific Time (PT)
- Summer term filing fee is due 8 business days prior to the last day of Summer Session C
It is the student’s responsibility to file advancement to candidacy forms for master’s degree in the major department no later than the second week of the quarter in which the student expects the award of the degree. Note that a student cannot advance to candidacy during the same term as the filing fee.
Reminder: A PhD student who has not already earned the master’s degree must file for MS advancement to candidacy before the prospectus.
For more information on Graduate Status Comparison, see below:
MS Degree Summary
At least nine courses (36 units) are required, of which at least five must be graduate courses and are required to take at least one of the courses from the ME or AE list.
Students must earn a minimum GPA of 3.0 on these courses.
Students may find it useful to follow the Major Fields of Study syllabi to help plan their Program of Study but this is strictly optional.
For the comprehensive plan, the student may select one of the following options:
(1) Take and pass the first part of the PhD written qualifying exam.
(2) Conduct a research or design project and submit a final report.
(3) Take and pass three extra written exams at the end of a graduate course
In the thesis plan, seven of the nine must be formal courses, including at least four from the 200 series. The two remaining may be 598 courses. Required forms include 1, 2, and 3 listed below.
Please review the MAE MS degree program requirements and complete the following required forms listed below for your MS degree (#2, 3, 4). Students must submit MS Advancement to Candidacy (ATC) forms to the department no later than the second week of the quarter in which the students expect the award of the degree.
The department will email all graduate students at the begining of each quarter via MyEngineering.
Failure to file for your Master’s Degree by the deadline will prevent the student from receiving the degree until the quarter in which the forms are filled and the student is advanced to candidacy. In addition, you may have to re-enroll and pay registrations fees.
All MS Forms (find forms here):
1. Program Requirements
2. Program of Study (Requires your advisor’s approval)
List your nine courses (or Seven for the Thesis Plan) taken with a GPA average of 3.0.
3. Advancement to Candidacy (PhD students must file for MS advancement to candidacy before their prospectus)
List your nine courses (or Seven for the Thesis Plan) taken with a GPA average of 3.0.
4. MS Comprehensive Form (If Applicable)
List the three extra examinations courses.
5. Filing Fee (If you are not registered in the quarter you plan to obtain your MS degree)
6. Nomination of MS Committee (Required for the Thesis plan)
Submit items 2 and 3, (Also 5 if applicable). (Nomination must be submitted two weeks prior to filing your Thesis.)
7. Thesis Guidelines (Guidelines on filing your MS Thesis)
8. Complete MAE Exit Survey (Required for the MS Thesis Option)