UCLA MAE Assistant Professor Lihua Jin was selected for the 2023 PMSE Early Stage Investigator Award.

From https://pmsedivision.org/early-investigator-symposium/:

The twenty five members of the 2023 PMSE Early Stage Investigators class are a collective group of professors, government researchers, and industry scientists across the field of polymer science. A symposium highlighting their work will be held at the 2023 Fall ACS National Meeting, located in San Francisco, California.

The PMSE Early Investigator (EI) Symposium is a forum to highlight the professional accomplishments of early-career investigators who are emerging leaders in the field of polymer science and engineering, across academia, industry, and national labs.

Awardees will be honored at the PMSE Early Investigator Symposium held once a year during the Fall National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (location changes annually).

Congratulations Prof. Jin!