Take And Pass Three Extra Written Exams At The End Of A Mae Graduate Course

It is the student’s responsibility to file advancement to candidacy forms for masters’s degree in the major department no later than the second week of the quarter in which the student expects the award of the degree.

To file for your MS Degree under this option the following forms are required if you have taken and passed three extra questions. In the MS Comprehensive form list which three MAE graduate courses you have taken / will be taking. Have taken 9 courses with a total of 36 units.

1. Program Requirements

2. Program of Study (Requires your advisor’s approval)
List your nine courses taken with a GPA average of 3.0.

3. Advancement to Candidacy
List your nine courses taken with a GPA average of 3.0.

4. MS Comprehensive Form
List the three extra examinations courses.

5. Filing Fee (If you are not registered in the quarter you plan to obtain your MS degree)
Here you can create the content that will be used within the module.