Xiaochun Li

Xiaochun Li


Raytheon Endowed Professor in Manufacturing Engineering

48-121G Eng IV

Email: xcli@seas.ucla.edu
Phone: (310) 825-2383


Scifacturing (science-driven manufacturing), Nanotechnology Enabled Metallurgy, Scalable Nanomanufacturing, Smart Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing
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Selected Publications:
  • Maximilian Sokoluk, Chezheng Cao, Shuaihang Pan, and Xiaochun Li. “Nanoparticle-enabled phase control for arc welding of un-weldable aluminum alloy 7075”, Nature Communications, January 2019
  • Chao Ma, Lianyi Chen, Chezheng Cao, Xiaochun Li, “Nanoparticle-induced unusual melting and solidification behaviours of metals”, Nature Communications, 8, January 2017
  • Lian-Yi Chen, Jia-Quan Xu, Hongseok Choi, Marta Pozuelo, Xiaolong Ma, Sanjit Bhowmick, Jenn-Ming Yang, Suveen Mathaudhu, Xiao-Chun Li, “Processing and properties of magnesium containing a dense uniform dispersion of nanoparticles”, Nature, December 2015
  • Lin, Ting-Chiang; Zhao, Jingzhou; Cao, Chezheng; Javadi, Abdolreza; Yang, Yingchao; Hwang, Injoo; Li, Xiaochun; “Fabrication of Metal–Polymer Nanocomposites by In-Fiber Instability”, Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, vol. 4, no.4, pp.41008, 2016
  • Lian-Yi Chen, Jia-Quan Xu, Hongseok Choi, Hiromi Konishi, Song Jin, Xiaochun Li, “Rapid control of phase growth by nanoparticles”,    Nature Communications, 5, May 2014
  • Jiaquan Xu, Lianyi Chen, Hongseok Choi, Hiromi Konishi, and Xiaochun Li, “Self-assembly of liquid metal and nanoparticles into nanocomposite superstructures”, Scientific Reports, April 2013
  • Jiaquan Xu, Lianyi Chen, and Xiaochun Li, “Theoretical Study and Pathways for Nanoparticle Capture during Solidification of Metal Melt”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 24, 2012
  • Lianyi Chen, Jianquan Xu, and Xiaochun Li, “Novel Nanoprocessing Route for Bulk Graphene Nanoplatelets Reinforced Metal Matrix Nanocomposites”, Scripta Materialia, Volume 67, Issue 1, July 2012
  • Dirk Werschmoeller, Xiaochun Li, and Kornel Ehmann, “Measurement of Transient Tool Internal Temperature Fields during Hard Turning by Insert-embedded thin Film Sensors”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 134(6), Nov 2012
  • Xudong Cheng and Xiaochun Li, “Investigation of Heat Generation in Ultrasonic Metal Welding using Micro Sensor Arrays”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol.17, 2007
  • Yong Yang, Jie Lan and Xiaochun Li, “Study on Bulk Aluminum Matrix Nano-composite Fabricated by Ultrasonic Dispersion of Nano-sized SiC Particles in Molten Aluminum Alloy”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 380, 2004
  • X. C. Li, F.B. Prinz, and J. Seim, “Thermal Behavior of Metal Embedded Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor”, Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, No.10, August 2001, pp. 575-579
Ph.D, Stanford, 2001
  • 2022 ASME William T. Ennor Manufacturing Technology Award
  • Fellow, National Academy of Inventors
  • Fellow, ASME
  • Fellow, International Society of Nanomanufacturing
  • 2008 Howard F. Taylor Award, American Foundry Society (AFS)
  • 2008 Sir Humphrey Scientific Merit Award, American Foundry Society
  • 2003 Jiri Tlusty Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award, Society of Manufacturing Engineers
  • 2002 National Science Foundation, CAREER Award